Write Drawing File

Exporting data in CAD format

Write Drawing File

To access this dialog:

  • From the Data Export dialog, select the [CAD] Driver Category and a Data Type. Specify a file and click OK.

This dialog is used to configure the output of data to an external CAD format file. Files can be exported in DWG or DXF format.

Field Details:

Color Field: if you wish to specify a color field, select an option from the drop-down list. This field will then be used to define the colors used in AutoCAD to draw the imported object.

Linestyle Field: AutoCAD supports multiple linestyle options. If the object to be exported has data that represents AutoCAD linestyles, select this field from the drop-down list.

Layer Field: to apply data items to specific AutoCAD layers, and providing a column with this information exists for the object to be exported, select the relevant field from the drop-down list.

Thickness Field: if AutoCAD line thickness values are contained within the current object's database, select the appropriate field from the drop-down list.

File Format: select one of the following options:

  • DWG: export the file in AutoDesk's proprietary DWG CAD format.

  • DXF: export the file in digital file exchange format, an industry-standard format for graphic file exchange.

Version: select an AutoCAD version from the drop-down list.

File Information: shows a summary of the file format to be created, e.g. "AutoCAD 13 format DXF file.".